Shurn the Awesomer
Decrypting JSON from XE Currency

Decrypting JSON from XE Currency

Written on Thu, 12 January 2017

Disclaimer: What I'm about to show you is against XE Currency's Terms of Use. Use the follow codes at your discretion.

So I have been exploring ways to obtain forex data from external sources. But many websites offer paid services. Me being just a lone developer and not able to afford it, I decided to just scrape of the data from websites. That's where I hit a stumbling block with XE Currency.

An example of the URL to get XE Currency historic rates is You will see that this isn't JSON at all. Something is amissed. It is using this URL, the javascript interprets it as JSON, yet this looks nothing like JSON.

So after much delving on this matter, I realised, not to my surprise, that it is encrypted. Interestingly, they do not encrypt the entire JSON, only every 10th character of the JSON string. The rest of the string is just obfuscated. Both the encryption and the obfuscation looks very similar to caesar cipher.

So if you are going to scrape the data off their website, I'll show you the codes I used. I doubt there will be any legal issues for me posting this, since their entire decryption algorithm is publicly accessible. I merely took their algorithm and implement it in PHP.

//Once you get the encrypted JSON, put it here.

//Trim any whitespaces
$encryptedJSON = trim($encryptedJSON);

//The decryption key is the last 4 characters of the encrypted JSON
$hiddenKey = substr($encryptedJSON, strlen($encryptedJSON) - 4);

$decryptedKey = ord(substr($hiddenKey, 0)) + ord(substr($hiddenKey, 1)) + ord(substr($hiddenKey, 2)) + ord(substr($hiddenKey, 3));
$decryptedKey = (strlen($encryptedJSON) - 10) % $decryptedKey;
$decryptedKey = ($decryptedKey > strlen($encryptedJSON) - 10 - 4) ? (strlen($encryptedJSON) - 10 - 4) : $decryptedKey;

//The actual decryption key is hidden in the middle of the JSON
$decryptedKey2 = substr($encryptedJSON, $decryptedKey, 10);

//Remove the encryption key from the JSON string
$encryptedJSON = substr($encryptedJSON, 0, $decryptedKey).substr($encryptedJSON, $decryptedKey + 10);

//Decode URI
$encryptedJSON = urldecode($encryptedJSON);

//Character shift process, doesn't involve any key
$stringList = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
$cursor = 0;
$shiftedJSON = "";

//Clear Unwanted characters
$encryptedJSON = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/m", "", $encryptedJSON);

do {
$char1 = strpos($stringList, substr($encryptedJSON, $cursor++, 1));
$char2 = strpos($stringList, substr($encryptedJSON, $cursor++, 1));
$char3 = strpos($stringList, substr($encryptedJSON, $cursor++, 1));
$char4 = strpos($stringList, substr($encryptedJSON, $cursor++, 1));

$code1 = ($char1 << 2) | ($char2 >> 4);
$code2 = (($char2 & 15) << 4) | ($char3 >> 2);
$code3 = (($char3 & 3) << 6) | $char4;

$shiftedJSON .= chr($code1);
if ($char3 != 64) {
$shiftedJSON .= chr($code2);
if ($char4 != 64) {
$shiftedJSON .= chr($code3);
} while ($cursor < strlen($encryptedJSON));
$encryptedJSON = urldecode($shiftedJSON);

//Decrypt every 10th character
$counter = 0;
$decryptedJSON = "";
for ($counter10th = 0; $counter10th < strlen($encryptedJSON); $counter10th+=10) {
$encryptedChar = $encryptedJSON[$counter10th];
$shiftKey = $decryptedKey2[($counter % strlen($decryptedKey2) - 1) < 0 ? (strlen($decryptedKey2) + ($counter % strlen($decryptedKey2) - 1)) : ($counter % strlen($decryptedKey2) - 1)];
$encryptedChar = chr(ord($encryptedChar) - ord($shiftKey));
$decryptedJSON .= $encryptedChar.substr($encryptedJSON, $counter10th + 1, 9);

//There you go! The decrypted JSON.
echo json_decode($decryptedJSON);

A reminder to read my disclaimer!